Sunday, March 18, 2007

Where To Find College Scholarships That You Can Be Awarded

by Jon Arnold

If you are already in college, you are already aware of this, and if college is still a year or so away, you will be made keenly aware of it soon - the costs of getting a good college education have gone through the roof. Tuition costs are rising every year, and it seems like the cost of just BOOKS for a semester can be enough to finance a small car.

If you are a high school junior and especially if you are a senior, you should be looking at colleges right now. Applying late, even with a 4.0 GPA will get your application declined if the college of your choice has already reached the maximum number of incoming students for the next semester.

But the real question is how to finance your college education? Some people view that as the question of the decade, but it does not need to be, if you know where to look. The college financial aid offices has tons of brochures and literature about various loans that you can apply for, many at extremely reasonable interest rates, but I would encourage you to "think outside the box" ... wouldn't it be much better to get loans or grants that do NOT need to be paid back?

That is where a college scholarship comes in. Although most people do not realize it, there are scholarships available for a huge variety of reasons, where some are even awarded because nobody else applied for it! Most scholarships do not require the family to have "financial needs" as is the most common myth. And scholarships, although traditionally thought of only to be awarded to the top athletic jocks or the outstanding musicians, are no longer limited to those types of students. Although GPA will still usually (although not necessarily) play a part of scholarship award decisions, there is a tremendously large range of different things that a scholarship can be awarded for. Also note that any student can be awarded MULTIPLE scholarships, sometimes to the point where they will have graduated and it may not have cost them a nickel out of their own pockets.

The trick is in knowing where to look for scholarships. Many people stop searching at the college's financial aid office or the government student loan web site. That is far from exhaustive and there is a mountain of additional resources for you to look into for scholarships. There are scholarships available that virtually nobody has even heard of. Whether one of your scholarships comes from, say General Motors, or a scholarship of the same amount of money comes from Bubba's Twine Manufacturing Company, do you really care? A scholarship is a scholarship, and you can probably assume that there is far more competition for the General Motors scholarship than there is for the Bubba's Twine Manufacturing Company scholarship. But at the end of the day, money is money and it really does not matter!

Bottom line: The scholarships are out there, and a surprising number of them even go unawarded each year simply because nobody applied for them. Be aware of the resources available to you so that you can keep the cost of that college education down to a much more affordable level.

About the Author:
Jon is a computer engineer who maintains web sites on a variety of topics based on his knowledge and experience. You can read more about College Scholarships at his web site at Finding College Scholarhips.

Article Source:
Make Money Online Directory and Resources.

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